Terms of Engagement
Client must keep Invoices, receipts & original documents for all Income & expenses for 7 years.
Client must provide comments in Xero or provide coded bank statements before 10th of following month. Client must disclose all material facts related to business & Income.
All cash incomes & expenses must be declared by 10th of following month
Income & expenses made out of business account must be declared by 10th of following month.
We will not be held responsible for any delay in filling returns if client failed to comply with terms
Client authorise Swift Business Solutions Limited to sign returns on my/our behalf for INC,GST, PAYE,FBT
Client gives authority to Swift Business Solutions Limited & Saurav Verma to act & access information on its behalf with Companies office
Client authorise Swift Business Solutions Limited to obtain information from your Bank, Insurance, Finance companies, ACC & other financial institutions.
Client will maintain a separate business bank account, any personal transactions from business account must be reported within 3 working days. All transactions from Business accounts are assumed to me be made for business.
This Contract needs to be cancelled by either party in written by giving 30 days notice. All information & documents including workpapers remains property of Swift Business Solutions Limited.
Audits & Investigation by third parties will be charged hourly at $100 ph+gst
Insurance: Only if requested by you.
Liability: Any liability against Swift Accounting must be made and notified to us within 1 year of the date of practical completion of the assignment.
Client understands that tax returns will not be filled until accounts are fully paid. Client accepts personal responsibility to pay all Invoices. Client authorise to setup & Direct Debit its bank accounts / Cr Dr Cards on due date of Invoice. Client is responsible for any fee incurred.
Client gives consent to use emails & phones number for Marketing communication
Client acknowledges & accepts to pay fee of software providers such as Xero, Thankyou Payroll & Smart Payroll. Swift Accounting has no control over fees charged by third party software providers.
Client acknowledges & accepts that Payroll funds are transferred directly to Thirdly party payroll providers, hence liability of missing funds falls onto third party payroll providers.
Clients acknowledges use of electronic communication between parties.
Client acknowledge that we will not be responsible for any loss of data kept by third parties like Xero & Payroll Providers.
We may suspend our services over non payment of fee or if fraud is suspected.
We will not undertake an audit or review of the information you provide to us. IRD documents & accounts are prepared by information supplied by the client. Compilation of IRD returns & financial accounts does not involve the verification of information. Swift Business Solutions Limited or any of its employees accepts no responsibility of accuracy of data provided by client. All tax returns & financial accounts are strictly prepared solely for client only. Neither company nor any of its employees accepts responsibility on any ground, including liability of negligence to client or third party.
This agreement may be executed by means of electronic signatures
If you disagree with any terms please exit our website/ form